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Equip and match

We are hunting your next job!

If you are registered with the Employment Service, you may be entitled to our Rusta och matcha service. You simply get help from our Jobhunters to find your new job or find training that will take you to your dream job.

Use our network and speed up the way to your goal.

Get in touch and we'll help you!

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Grundare Michael Svensson och VD Jimmy Sjökvist

You are in the center

We understand that you are unique and that your journey towards the labor market or new studies is personal. Our methodology designed to put you at the center and create the best path to your success.


We equip you with the skills required and guide you on training opportunities if needed.


We know where the jobs are and we work together to identify your skills and match them to industries with hiring needs.

The goal!

For us, the goal is self-evident; Find the best solution for you in the shortest possible time.

Questions and answers about Rusta and matcha

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What is rust and match?

Rusta och matcha is an efficient service from the Employment Service. Through individually tailored support and a strong matching focus, the goal is for you to find a job or start studies as quickly as possible.

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What help can you get?

We are an independent actor that functions as a complement to the Employment Service by supporting, coaching and matching jobseekers into self-support.

In short: we help and motivate you who are looking for work all the way to the finish line via Rusta and matcha.

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Who can go Rusta and match?

A large part of the target group for the service is or is at risk of becoming long-term unemployed, others need language support or help with motivation. There are also three categories within KROM and the Arbetsförmedlingen's assessment determines who can be placed in the position and in which category.

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How long do I participate in the service?

Six months initially, if necessary the service can be extended by another six months for a total period of one year.

The goal is for you to find a job or start an education as quickly as possible. It is Arbetsförmedlingen that investigates and decides whether a possible extension is something for you. We will of course help you in contacting the Employment Service if you need it.

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© 2023 by Scandinavian Jobhunter Match AB

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